Timothy A. Lewis

State Law Librarian
1992 - Present

Timothy Alan Lewis, a native of Talladega, Alabama, was appointed by the Supreme Court as State Law Librarian and Acting Marshal of the Alabama Supreme Court on June 1, 1992. He served as Acting Marshal until 1993.

Mr. Lewis attended the public schools in Talladega, graduating from Talladega High School in 1974. He graduated from the University of Alabama receiving his B.A. in English in 1979, his M.L.S. (Master of Library Services) in 1983, and his J.D.(Juris Doctor) in 1984. He was admitted to the Alabama State Bar Association in 1988. Tim served as Assistant Director of the Library from 1984 until he was appointed as the Director and Acting Marshal.

Mr. Lewis taught as Adjunct Professor of Law at the Walter B. Jones School of Law from 1988 to 1992, and is currently an Adjunct Professor at Auburn University at Montgomery in both the Department of Justice and Public Safety and the Management Department. He has taught numerous courses on legal research and computer-assisted legal research, and is the co-author of Alabama Practice Materials: An Annotated Bibliography, found at 82 Law Library Journal 703 (1990). He is also the author of several articles in the Alabama Lawyer and has written several book reviews.

Besides the Alabama State Bar, Mr. Lewis is a member of the American Association of Law Libraries, the Special Libraries Association, the Southeastern Chapter of the American Association of Law Libraries, the Law Library Association of Alabama, the Alabama Library Association, and the Montgomery County Bar Association.

Mr. Lewis served as the Moderator of the Law Librarians Roundtable of the Alabama Library Association in 1989, President of the Law Library Association of Alabama from 1992 to 1993, the vice-president for the Montgomery Judicial Chapter of the Alabama State Employees Association in 1995, the Coordinator of the Montgomery Area Library Resource Sharing Roundtable from 1995 to 1996, and served on the Board of Directors of the Library School Association at the University of Alabama, the Board of Directors for the Center for Law and Civic Education at Cumberland Law School, and the Board of Directors for the Law Magnet Program at Booker T. Washington Magnet School. He served as Local Arrangements Chair for the 2001 Alabama Library Association Convention held in Montgomery.

Currently, Mr. Lewis serves as the Treasurer of the Alabama Library Association, as co-chair of the Alabama State Bar Law Day Subcommittee, is a member of the Board of Directors of Camp Chandler (YMCA), a member of the Appellate Library Standards Committee (AALL) and represents special libraries on the Library Services and Technology Act (LSTA) Advisory Council.

Mr. Lewis is married to Christine Whitesell of Montgomery, and they have three children, Andrew, Laura, and Rebecca. He and his family attend the Episcopal Church of the Ascension in Montgomery where Mr. Lewis teaches 6th grade Sunday School, assists w ith the SOS Puppet Team, and is a member of the 1st Timothy Committee. He has been a member of the Montgomery Lions Club since 1987.

Contact Information

Supreme Court of Alabama
Court of Civil Appeals
Court of Criminal Appeals
State Law Library
Appellate IT Help Desk