Supreme Court and State Law Library

Supreme Court and State Law Library

Alabama Rules of Judicial Administration

All rules are in pdf format.
Rule 1. Bonding of court officials and employees.
Rule 2. [Rescinded].
Rule 3. Courtrooms, offices, ancillary space, access to such spaces, utility
service, etc., to be provided by counties and municipalities.
Rule 4. Duties of clerk and register.
Rule 5. Clerk's and register's offices, workdays.
Rule 6. Presiding judges.
Rule 7. Fees for miscellaneous filings.
Rule 8. Defense services.
Rule 9. State courts' personnel system.
Rule 10. Judicial secretarial service.
Rule 11. Bailiffs.
Rule 12. Court reporters.
Rule 13. Temporary assignments of judges and other court personnel.
Rule 14. Special judges, compensation.
Rule 15. Secretarial services for circuit court clerks.
Rule 16. Calendar management.
Rule 17. Prosecution assistance by municipality.
Rule 18. Magistrates.
Rule 19. Uniform traffic infractions.
     Attachment One. Alabama Uniform Traffic Ticket and Complaint.
      Form UTC-7. Plea of Guilty/Waiver of Rights (Plea Entered
     Before Magistrate Scheduled Offenses)
Rule 20. Magistrates' fine schedule and procedure if defendant elects to plead
guilty in district court or municipal court.
     Appendix A. Uniform Nontraffic Citation and Complaint
     Appendix B. Supreme Court's Extended Schedule of Fines.
Rule 20B. Uniform Boating Traffic Ticket And Complaint And Magistrates' Schedule of Fines For Boating Traffic Violations.
Rule 21. Small claims.
Rule 22. Judicial robes.
Rule 23. Fees and commissions on cases filed prior to January 16, 1977.
Rule 24. Seal of the court.
Rule 25. Standing committee, procedure for rule amendment and proposal.
Rule 26. Transfer of cases.
Rule 27. District court clerks.
Rule 28. Fiscal procedures.
Rule 29. Description of transcript; fees related to transcripts; transcripts for
indigent defendants; office furniture, equipment, and supplies for
court reporters.
     Appendix to Rule 29.
Rule 30. Copies; certified copies; cost for copies; record searches; electronic
Rule 31. Records maintenance and retention.
Rule 32. Child support guidelines--prior to 7-1-2019.
Child support guidelines--after 7-1-2019.
     Appendix to Rule 32. Schedule of Basic Child Support Obligations
     Form CS-41. Child Support Obligation Income Statement/Affidavit
     Form CS-42. Child Support Guidelines
     Form CS-43. Child Support Guidelines Notice of Compliance
Rule 32.1 Child support information sheet.
     Appendix to Rule 32.1. Form CS-47. Child Support Information Sheet
Rule 33. Access to electronically stored data, electronic-document images,
electronic datastreams, and electronic databases maintained by the
Administrative Office of Courts.
     Appendix. UJS Computer Data Dissemination Requests—Procedures.
      Form C-75. Application and Request for Computer-Based Data of the
     Unified Judicial System from the Administrative Office of Courts
Rule 34. Willful noncompliance with rules and certain statutes.
Rule 35. Expedited process for child support.
Rule 36. Paper size of documents filed with court.
Rule 37. Court security.
Rule 38. Collection agents.
Rule 39. Duties of State Law Librarian.
Rule 40. Master jury list.
Rule 41. Payment by credit card of court assessments, costs, fees, and forfeitures.
Rule 42. Judicial volunteer program.
Rule 43. Minimum accounting requirements for municipal courts.
     Appendix A. UTC-8. Receipt and Issue Log.
     Appendix B. UTC-14. Ticket Issue Log.
     Appendix C. UTC-3. UTC Transmittal Form.
     Appendix D. Receipt and Issue Log.
     Appendix E. Ticket Issue Log.
     Appendix F. Voided Ticket Report.
Rule 44. Electronic Filing of Documents.
Rule 45. Commercial Mail Carriers.
Rule 46. Juror Selection and Qualification.
Rule 47. Dismissal of Workers' Compensation Action Following Ombudsman-Approved Settlement.

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