Supreme Court and State Law Library

Supreme Court and State Law Library

Mission Statement

The Mission of the Alabama Supreme Court and State Law Library is to assist the Alabama Supreme Court, the Alabama Court of Criminal Appeals, the Alabama Court of Civil Appeals, the Alabama trial courts, and members of the Bar and the general public in carrying out their responsibility to ensure the equal administration of justice. The Library is dedicated to the principal that the public's right to legal information is fundamental to the doctrine of a free and democratic society and strives to meet the legal research and information needs of the people of the State of Alabama. The Law Library has four general responsibilities:

  • The acquisition and maintenance of a comprehensive and viable collection of legal resources and technology;
  • The promulgation of rules and policies that ensure legal resources are accessible to the courts and other library users;
  • The operation of a first-rate facility in accordance with approved standards; and
  • The design and implementation of programs, rules, activities, and operations in order to meet the current and future needs of the Court and other library users.

Contact Information

Supreme Court of Alabama
Court of Civil Appeals
Court of Criminal Appeals
State Law Library
Appellate IT Help Desk