Appellate Clerks/Museum Area
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You are now entering the West wing. This area houses the Clerks of the Civil and Criminal Appeals' offices. The display cases in this area cover the Scottsboro Boys trial, Thomas Goode Jones' Code of Legal Ethics, women in the Alabama appellate courts, and Blacks in the Alabama appellate courts.
First Panel:

The Scottsboro Boys Trials. History and chronology of events surrounding the case which became known as "The Scottsboro Boys."
First Display Case:

This case contains books and documents pertaining to "The Scottsboro Boys" trials, including Alabama Reports 1931-32.
Second Panel:

The Code of Legal Ethics: Thomas Goode Jones. Thomas Jones' ethics document was adopted by the Alabama Bar Assocation in 1887 commanded lawyers to deal honestly and courteously with each other, to seek no advantages with judges, to defend the poor and friendless, and above all to refrain from encouraging litigation. His work was later substantially adopted by the American Bar Association. Thomas Goode Jones also served as governor of Alabama from 1890-1894.
Second Display Case:

Books and a print pertaining to Thomas Goode Jones' Code of Legal Ethics, including Reports of the Alabama Bar Association, 1908; Notre Dame Lawyer, 1931-32; Alabama Lawyer, 1941; and Professional Ethics--An Essay, by the Honorable George Sharwood, LL.D.
Third Panel:

Women in the Alabama Appellate Courts: Annie Lola Price, first female appellate judge in Alabama; Janie L. Shores, first female Supreme Court justice in Alabama; Sharon G. Yates, first female Court of Civil Appeals judge in Alabama; Judges Sue Bell Cobb, Jean Brown, and Pamela Baschab, female judges on Court of Criminal Appeals; and Mollie Sue Jordan, Clerk of the Court of Criminal Appeals.
Fourth Panel:

The African American Presence in the Alabama Appellate Courts: Oscar Adams, first Black appellate judge in Alabama, well known for his work with the civil rights movement; Ralph Cook, second Black appellate judge in Alabama.